Sunday, June 18, 2006

My L.A.

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What does L.A. usually mean to people? Lots of highways? Rodeo drive? Rollerblading in Santa Monica? Well, perhaps it is all of those things. But to me, going to L.A. always means visiting my friend Quyen and eating lots of yummy food, especially Vietnamese food that her parents prepare. Here's me with a Vietnamese sandwich, which is a favorite way to start the day here Chez Quyen, along with a big glass of freshly squeezed orange juice.
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This is the third time I have stayed with Quyen's family. Her parents own a pharmacy and are quite busy, but somehow they find the time to cook some truly delicious feasts for Quyen and I. For instance, yesterday we had broiled catfish Vietnamese style.
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The catfish was still swimming just hours before, and the sweet flesh is cooked to moist perfection under the broiler. It is served in a rice paper wrapper along with rice noodles, herbs, lettuce and sauteed scallions. I love the herb plate at Quyen's house. Along with the usual mint and cilantro, there is rau ram, perilla, sorrel and a fishy tasting herb. The rice paper is not soaked, as many cookbooks erroneously recommend, but swiped with wet gauze so that they become pliable but not sodden. Everybody has their own rolling style. I started off making neat little rolls much like you would see in the restaurant, but quickly adapted Quyen's style, which is to make an open-ended roll that holds much more filling. Quyen's mom, on the other hand, likes to stuff so much fish and veggies into her roll that they barely hold together, and usually fall apart after the first bite. Quyen's dad goes one further and just puts all the ingredients in his bowl with the rice paper on top!

There will be more good food today -- Pho for a late breakfast and "korean" barbeque for dinner. And tomorrow it will time for our other L.A. ritual: Outlet shopping!


Blogger Sangindiva said...

Did you cook this meal yourself?
It looks so delicious :)
I wish I could cook like this!

12:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quyen's parents did. They made amazing meals for us when I visited L.A. ...they won't even let me help out with the dishes!

7:38 AM  

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